The holidays are not complete without a reference to Home Alone, the classic movie we all know and love about the eight-year old boy who defends his house from two burglars using his wit, resourcefulness and a whole lot of creativity.
For 2025, we need to harness our inner Kevin.
Welcome out-of-the-box thinking
When Kevin realizes he's all on his own for this battle, he assesses the situation and then acts quickly. He doesn't think about the traditional way of doing things and instead turns paint cans, toys and other items into tools of defense.
What does this mean for you? Next time you're faced with a challenge, don't go back to the same old playbook because you'll get the same old results. Explore the unconventional solutions and ask yourself, "What if I tried to approach this differently?"
Lean into your resourceful side
Kevin didn't have the fanciest gadgets, but he had the ability to see differently.
What does this mean for you? Leaders and teams know how to make the most out of what they have. Whether it's stretching a budget, leveraging different skills amongst the team, or enhancing the tools already in place, start looking for the value that already exists right in front of your eyes.
Roll with the punches
Kevin's plan doesn't always smoothly, but he's sure quick on his feet. When he gets outsmarted, he doesn't accept defeat and is onto the next! What does this mean for you? Change is happening all around us, and we have to have the ability to adapt and adjust as these challenges appear to help guide us through uncertainty. But remember, not everyone is quick to adapt to change, so it's important to understand the strengths of your team and utilize the strengths appropriately.
Keep it playful
Despite the seriousness of what's actually happening in the movie, the sense of fun is never lost. There is always joy found within the journey.
What does this mean for you? We all define play differently at work, but understanding what that is and making it a part of your environment can go a long way in building strong teams.
My hope for you is that you will channel your inner Kevin McCallister. That you will approach challenges with curiosity and not judgment. That you will see the value that's right in front you. That you will remember to enjoy the process along the way. Creativity isn't just about dreaming up innovative new solutions, it's also about freeing your imagination and having the courage to give it a try.
Team Human Conversation
Fight workplace zombies in your organization and join Team Human! Gather a group of fellow workplace zombie hunters to discuss our most recent blog post. Use the questions below to kick-start your conversation.
Can you recall a time when you solved a problem by thinking out-of-the-box? What was it and what was the outcome?
How can you make the most of existing tools and team member strengths when faced with a challenge?
Have you ever had to adapt a plan mid-way through a project? How did you and the team respond to the change?