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Feedback Fears

Kick Ass Zombie Hunter

Graffiti art-painted wall - faces
Photo by Ulrich Pickert on Unsplash

Feedback is the cornerstone of individual and team growth. Yet, the mere thought of giving or receiving feedback (especially when it’s tough feedback) can create different emotional responses for people.

At its core, the fear of feedback stems from a certain level of vulnerability involved. If you’re the person giving feedback, sometimes there’s a worry of it being perceived the wrong way, hurting someone’s feelings, damaging the relationship or creating stress. For the person receiving the feedback it can feel like a personal attack and trigger self-doubt or even create defensiveness.

But we all know too well that avoiding these types of tough conversations doesn’t serve anyone well. Transforming feedback from a source of fear into an opportunity for development requires a real shift in mindset and approach. It starts with seeing feedback as a professional gift, even when it’s difficult to deliver or hear.

So how do we create an environment where feedback thrives? It starts with trust. If you take the time to build a genuine and authentic relationship, people trust each other’s intentions and then we’re more likely to perceive feedback as constructive than critical and we know it’s coming from a good place. But if I only give you negative feedback, then it’s constantly instilling fear from our conversation together.

Facing our feedback fears also involves understanding both your personality style and those of others. Do you recognize the strengths and challenges in how someone communicates? Are they more indirect, preferring to ease into difficult conversations, or are they straightforward and candid? Do they welcome tough feedback as an opportunity for growth, or do they perceive it as conflict and tend to avoid it? Gaining insight into how your team navigates feedback is essential to develop an environment where honest conversations can thrive.

Facing your feedback fears isn’t about eliminating completing, it’s about leaning into it and being willing to have the conversation.


Team Human Conversation

Fight workplace zombies in your organization and join Team Human! Gather a group of fellow workplace zombie hunters to discuss our most recent blog post. Use the questions below to kick-start your conversation.

  1. What fears or assumptions do I hold about giving or receiving feedback?

  2. How do I typically react when giving or receiving tough feedback? Why do I react this way?

  3. What can I do to build trust with my colleagues so feedback is more easily exchanged?

🍵 Want to bring a Personality Dimensions workshop to your team in 2025? Reply back to this email to set up a virtual coffee to discuss your team training objectives. 🍵


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